Food giving event


Scouts Have Food Drive For STEAC

Local Cub Scouts, Scouts BSA and Venturing Crew, and Girl Scout Troop 385 are hosting a food drive to benefit the Short Term Emergency Aid Committee’s food programs this Saturday, March 13.

Special to The Enterprise

March 5, 2021

Local Cub Scouts, Scouts BSA and Venturing Crew, and Girl Scout Troop 385 are hosting a food drive to benefit the Short Term Emergency Aid Committee’s food programs this Saturday, March 13. Flyers will be distributed this week by troops and their families to many homes in Davis.

Anyone who receives a flyer can help STEAC by leaving a food donation out by the curb by 9 a.m. Saturday, March 13. Scouts will come by between 9:30 a.m. and noon that day. If a resident does not receive a flyer, they may live in an area the Scouts cannot cover, but residents can still participate by bringing donations to STEAC’s regular donation window at 642 Hawthorn Lane between 11 a.m. and 1 p.m. every Tuesday.

Although all shelf-stable, unexpired and unopened foods are appreciated, STEAC especially needs small bottles of oil, kids’ individual fruit cups, and small, low-sugar jellies and jams.

STEAC distributes approximately 100,000 pounds of food annually providing over 80,000 meals to those in need. STEAC has several food programs targeting low-income school children, seniors, and rural families, and runs the local food pantry in Davis.

Davis Scouting for Food is one of only a few major food drives that STEAC relies on for food donations. During the pandemic, the organizations have altered procedures to keep the Scouts and volunteers socially distanced and safe.

Check out all STEAC’s programs to provide Yolo County residents with basic necessities at Residents also can sign up to make regular food donations to STEAC. Information is available at

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